Nobody here is satisfied with something average when it's possible to make it better.

Andreas Engelhardt

A walk with Andreas Engelhardt

What drives you, in both your career and private life? Who or what gives you strength?

Quite honestly, I really can't separate my private and professional life here. Generally, I always try to be better in everything I do. This goes hand in hand with the desire to actively improve the things in my surroundings, my environment. The people who accompany me are the ones who give me the necessary strength. It doesn't matter if they're family, friends, colleagues or employees. I am spurred on by their encouragement of me to tackle something, carry on or awaken my ambition. This level of togetherness comes from a place of trust and the enjoyment of personal reflection. And it doesn't matter if this happens at Schüco in Bielefeld or at home.

What makes the company you lead unique?

I believe it is the leading position which Schüco has held for many years in various industries. It is part of the DNA of this company. Nobody here is satisfied with something average when it's possible to make it better. Operating on this level permanently is not always easy and requires a lot of energy from everyone involved. But that is what makes this well-established family-run company so special: remembering our roots and keeping an eye on innovations.

What precisely are the roots of Schüco in this regard, and what are the wings? What is traditional about your company, and what is innovative?

Traditionally, we stand by our values, which can easily be described as dependability and having respect for one another. Added to this are self-sufficiency and economic stability, which both play a huge role for us. For me, our roots are the many thousands of people who have worked so hard over the years and who are the face of the company. And our wings? Now, this may sound trite, but it is no less true: I would say Arminia Bielefeld here. Standing by our second division squad through the good times and the bad is what inspires me and so many of us.

What does good architecture mean for you?

For me, good architecture awakens my senses. It makes me happy when I look at and use it. The most attractive designs and buildings to me are those which are completely individual. They have a certain holistic nature and depth. Good architecture also comes from visionary thinking.

Your entire range caters for high-quality architecture. What role does sustainability play here?

Quality and reliability have always been part of our basic values. This has never changed thus far and will never change. Now, I know what you're thinking, everyone says that! But for us they are both fundamental principles and something we choose to do. We ensure the highest level of quality for the long term across the entire value chain – from the design to the operation of a building. Sustainability is not a trend – it’s an attitude. We need to be transparent and show how we can establish sustainable procurement and sustainable processes.

How much do you enjoy haptic experiences?

My grandmother always said, "Nobody will buy something they cannot touch and feel." Now, times may have changed thanks to digitalisation, but she was right in principle. People need to be able to feel and grasp the actual functions of high-quality systems in sophisticated architecture. The appearance, touch, sound and entire potential of an object and product is what makes it unique and special.

Where are you looking when you say "that's the perfect view"?

The perfect view for me is the view of the North Sea – with its vast expanse which seems to go on for ever. And, when I am able to enjoy this view from a building just like I am from outside, without visual restrictions or distractions, and when the slimline profiles bear the Schüco logo, it's even more perfect.

People need to be able to feel and grasp the actual functions of high-quality systems in sophisticated architecture.

Andreas Engelhardt

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